Product support recieved a unique problem when running Composite on the Mac OS X. The user had a Standalone version of Maya/Composite/Matchmover and only Maya was working as expected.
Matchmover had a licensing error and Composite would only start when it was not connected to the network. The Matchmover problem was solved with this Maya Station post.
There was a Composite - Fatal Error when the the Mac was connected to the network. The error message is below:
Composite was a bit more tricky to resolve. We tried many options like editing the toxik.ini file and deleting the /var/tmp/toxik/mediacache & /var/tmp/toxik/logs folders.
To resolve this issue, you will need to delete the .hostname file in the following 2 locations:
/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Toxik 2012/mediacache/store/index/64/.hostname
I would like to thank Klas Jonsson and the reseller Creative Tools for this tip.