Here is an interesting solution to a problem. The error dialog messages point a solution on the Autodesk site but it will not resolve the problem. I have used this solution before and I can confirm that it works but it depends on the "scenario".
In this "scenario", the user was on Windows 7 x64 and had AutoCAD Architecture 2012. When you try to install Service Pack 1, you will encounter the following errors:
The following shortcuts in the search were invalid and ignored: S:\Autodesk\FSE - Acad Standards & Templates\Plot Styles\Add-A-Plot Style Table Wizard.Ink
Error 1327. Invalid drive: S:\
A problem prevented the Service Pack from being installed. Contact your system administrator. Error Code: 1603
A exact solution match can be found on the Autodesk website here:
The actual solution in this "scenario" is to turn off User Access Control. Please check out this post for details on how to turn off User Access Control:
Thanks to Allen Seal for confirming that this tip resolves this issue.