When trying to run the License Transfer Utility of an Autodesk product, the LTU application doesn't start and nothing happens. No error message and no entry in the Event Viewer will indicate a problem with the utility.
This happens because for an unknown reason, the license file, or the entry for a specific product in the license file is corrupted.
In some situations, where more than one Autodesk product is installed in the system, the LTU can run for a specific product but not for other(s).
To solve this issue, you need to delete the license and the license backup files and then LTU will start correctly.
Please be aware that deleting the license files will remove all the licenses for the Autodesk standalone license based products on the system, after this, activation will be re-done automatically for all the products installed on the system when your start the program again. This applies only for the products after release 2010. Release 2009 and lower, are not affected by this problem.
There are two possible scenarios:
- If the LTU doesn't start in the machine where the license is active, delete the license file and activate the product. After this export your license.
- If the LTU doesn't start in the machine where you want to import a previously exported license, simply delete the license files, no activation is necessary.
The license files to delete are:
- adskflex_00691b00_tsf.data
- adskflex_00691b00_tsf.data_backup.001
Which are located in the directory:
- Windows XP > C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\FLEXnet
- Windows Vista/7 > C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet
More information about License Transfer Utility can be found here: