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  • David Lau

    Hashim Mundol

    Aaron Hai

    Avto Chachava

    Martin Langolf


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Daniel Gijsbers

You might want to add to that in order to do that you should have installed it first as network and than you can switch back and forth

If you have installed the entire suite as stand alone you seem to have to do the following:
Uninstall Autocad
Reinstall autocad as network and than the other programs out of suite seem to accept the changes you make in the registry.

Jon Ramos

After our IT guy accidentally installed autocad as standalone for a few workstations, I tried this fix to convert it to network. What I can't seem to figure out is where to input our server's network address where LM tools is installed.

Any help would be appreciated.

David Lau

If you have done this correctly, when you restart AutoCAD, it will prompt for license server. You can manually add this environment variable as noted in this post:


You can also check out this post:




No luck with this, switched 2011 from multi-seat standalone to network, just get the splash screen, brief flicker of the main screen and then it exits. There is another "Type" value under AdLM_Install that seems to be necessary as well, both are 3 for multi-seat standalone and on a machine installed as network from the start it is 0 while the other is 1 as expected.

David Lau

If the registry hack didn't work, then the best bet is to un-install and re-install the software with the proper settings for Standalone or Network. I can honestly say that I have not seen a lot of mult-seat standalone licenses.

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