About the Authors

  • David Lau

    Hashim Mundol

    Aaron Hai

    Avto Chachava

    Martin Langolf


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Jimmy Bergmark - JTB World

When combining licenses it is always best to take this approach: Copy everything except the first three rows (rows starting with SERVER, USE_SERVER and VENDOR) from the other license file and insert between row 3 and 4 or at the bottom of the new license file.

David Lau

I totally agree! I will also use comments (#) to ensure that the SERVER license file was created on the correct MAC/ethernet address. I have had customers change the MAC/ethernet address of a license file and expecting it to work. The only part of the license that can be changed is the 'server name' and 'port' numbers.

Tracy Davis

thanks for this. It has been this way for quite sometime. I remember having to correct this quite a few times with the 2010 release, especially with schools. The same holds true for the mac address, if there are different cases in that, LMTools will be messed up. ADLM will read the license file, with no errors, but the correct number of seats will not show. Have you all seen the issue with 2013 licenses not showing because 2012 licenses are still in the license file? Great feature for "deactivating" older licenses using the same feature code, once you remove the 2012 licenses, the file is read correctly.

David Lau

Thanks for sharing your experiences [tips] with the community.

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