Networking Error: Failed to obtain the IP address of the machine
Please verify that license server name is correct in LICPATH.LIC. Please note that if there is DNS name resolution issue with your license server name, you can use your license server IP address instead of the server computer name in LICAPTH.lic.
LICPATH.LIC is the client license file and typically can be found in the program installation folder, let's take AutoCAD 2013 and Autodesk Maya 2013 for example.
AutoCAD 2013 its path is “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2013\LICPATH.LIC”
Autodesk Maya 2013 its path based on the supported oparating system is:
On Windows: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\LICPATH.LIC”
On Mac: /var/flexlm/maya.lic
On Linux: /var/flexlm/maya.lic
Please note that you can open LICPATH.LIC in Notepad (on a Mac or Linux use your plane Text Editor) and if needed modify/correct the license server name.
Here is the sample content of LICPATH.LIC file
SERVER licenseServerSystemName 000000000000
Please also verify that your license server service is running.
Setting up a license server on Windows
Setting up a license server on Mac
Setting up a licensing server on Linux