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  • David Lau

    Hashim Mundol

    Aaron Hai

    Avto Chachava

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ravza fm

I follow your site constantly... Thank you for sharing..

David Lau


Matt Bhame

I got this creating a Stand Alone Admin Image from AutoCAD 2013 DVD x64 source media as well.

That time it got it closer, but no cigar.

INCORRECT: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\ADLM\R5\LTU.exe" 001E1 2013.0.0.F - -d -l en-US

CORRECTED: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\ADLM\R5\LTU.exe" 001E1 2013.0.0.F - -d MSSA -l en-US

I don't know what the -d and -l flags are for but I'm assuming "MSSA" = Multi Seat Stand Alone.

David Lau

Thanks for sharing your experiences with the community! This is a double kudo for Matt B.


Excellent tips. Really useful stuff. Never had an idea about this will look for more of such informative posts from your side. Good job Keep it up.


Thanks a lot for enjoying this great post. I am appreciating your effort to write it! Looking forward to another great article. Good luck to the author! All the best!


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