About the Authors

  • David Lau

    Hashim Mundol

    Aaron Hai

    Avto Chachava

    Martin Langolf


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Dave Morse

What is the reasoning behind using your local machine as the license server, as opposed to getting a license from the ADLM on a network server?
Can it even be installed that way?

David Lau

For Simulation CFD users, it is normal for them to have the workstation setup as the license server. Simulation CFD would float to "itself".

CFD is not sold as a standalone verion.


Dave Morse

We have a license file already on our server, where the ADLM is managing our licenses. Is this not a valid method, and therefore the reason that Simulation CFD 360 cannot obtain a license? Would I need to clip the license data from our server license file and paste it into a new file on my local machine? Thanks for your help.

David Lau

Simulation CFD 2013/2013 = Network License Server
Simulation CFD 360 = Cloud


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