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  • David Lau

    Hashim Mundol

    Aaron Hai

    Avto Chachava

    Martin Langolf


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Stefan O

One thing I found very confusing is the *multiple* simultaneous pop-ups you get when using this method. They come up on top of each other so naturally you think the other is just a duplicate and you cancel it but it's actually not. I had to contact @AutodeskHelp just to find out how to download the second part and it was right there.

The first method I tried was actually the Download Now method but this came down as a folder with a gazillion files and it was definitely not what I wanted since I had to redistribute it. The documentation says you should use this for installation on a different computer but really, copying all those files over the network or to a USB key is not something I'd want to do.

So it seems that there is room for improvement to the Autodesk download experience.

David Lau

Thanks for your comments. This issue really affects Internet Explorer. I just tested this in Chrome and Firefox and it behaves as expected.


If it wasn't for this post I'd still be trying to figuring out why I'm still missing files! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

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