Step 1: Check your ReCap version installed.
Click on the ? button, then the i button to get the About Box for Autodesk ReCap. From the screenshot below, it’s which is installed with Infrastructure Design Suites.
Step 2: Check the ReCap version written in your system registry and update it to match the version found in Step 1.
Go to Windows Registry Editor by typing regedit from Windows Start Menu and navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\Autodesk ReCap\R1.0\ProductSpecific
Check the BuildVersion value. If the Data doesn’t match the build version which you got in Step 1, please update it by right click on “BuildVersion” and “Modify”. Input the correct build version.
Step 3: Close Registry Editor and restart your computer. Launch ReCap and open update page. Download and install the update.
Thanks to Byron Morales for sharing this tip with the community.