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  • David Lau

    Hashim Mundol

    Aaron Hai

    Avto Chachava

    Martin Langolf


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We have done testing while working on a massive stadium project that as we increased the level of UAC certain tasks, in this case cutting a section, took exponentially longer. In this case IT had a max setting and it took 7 minutes to cut, when set to never notify the section cut took only 35-40sec.
I understand IT looking out for bad habits but on massive projects this is a hefty increase in performance

David Lau

Thanks for the insight. What products were you using when testing UAC on?

Personally, I like having UAC "ON" on my personal computer. On my corporate computer, I have UAC "OFF". I am prepared to have my computer re-imaged at anytime if I get hit by a virus/worm/malware etc.


The workstation was a Dell: Xeon CPU, 8GB RAM Quadro GFX. Win 7 Pro SP1 and Revit 2013 (BDS)full service packs. not top of the line and 5 massive models linked. we had unused worksets unloaded and were managing consultant link worksets as well. Just interesting that each level of UAC increased time required exponentialy.

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