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This it put in layman's terms. As mention above in the Epilogue,the Autodesk self extracts with long path names. When I ran it over a Local Area Network I got files missing in the installation folder as sadly LAN protocols can not deal with long file names, and path names that long in the Autodesk Self Extract causes errors. One easy way is to run the .sfx (Auodsk Self Extract) locally on the same physical disk drive that your making the installation. That is put the .sfx in your local drive C: (for most cases) and click to extract.


Sorry I wasn't clear on my earlier post. Any drive that is Mapped out as a drive letter, even if it is your local folder located on the 'same' physical drive on your PC can cause a problem. For example you may have a Virtual Machine that is Map out to your folder in C:\Downloads as a drive X: and you also got a folder C:\MyAutodeskInstalls which is not mapped out. Extracting from X: to C:\MyAutodeskInstalls will still cause a problem I found. So void any drive letters that are Mapped out.


You can use Long Path Tool as well, it works good.

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