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« AutoCAD 2014 & AutoCAD LT 2014 for Mac + Product Keys | Main | Tell Us Your Outside Story and Win A BioLite Camping Stove and $450 Gift Card »




i have tried this
Infraworks Pro 360 2014 (Infraworks 2014 R3)which adds sight distance and docmentation services requires its own serial number, product key
along with a roads and highway for infraworks serial number and Product key if you want the optimization
you cannot use any other serial number or product key with it or you will lose features i have tried i had to generate a separate serial number for this product to get the R3 features


The only workaround for this I found so far is to install IDSU without Infraworks, then install R3 and then go back to IDSU and install Infraworks from the Suite. These steps above allow for Infraworks from the IDSU and R3 to coexist, deliberately skipping R2 altogether.

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