We have recently seen some CER Report about this issue.It happens mostly on laptops with dual graphics cards and using Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Driver Version 10.18.0010.3316).
When starting Inventor 2014 SP1 on Windows 8.1, you get the Autodesk Inventor Error Report Details and Inventor cannot start. Our developers are investigating this.
In the meantime, you can :
- Disable the Intel Video Card in the Windows Device Manager.
- Start Inventor.
If you’re not satisifed with the performance, these additional steps could help in some cases :
- Go to Inventor Application Options / Hardware Tab / Enable Compatibility Mode.
- Enable the Video Card in the Windows Device Manager.
- Start Inventor.
Some users experiencing this with AUTOCAD could solve it by right clicking on the ACAD Icon :
- Run with Graphics Processor.
- Integrated Card.
Pierre Masson.