About the Authors

  • David Lau

    Hashim Mundol

    Aaron Hai

    Avto Chachava

    Martin Langolf


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Rose Dostal

How do I even start the activation process when my software is crashing as I start?

David Lau

This is a tough one to answer. We can start with this...


I would post your issue on the forums as a blog post comment field is not ideal for a lot of back and forth.

Thanks for your understanding.


I am trying to install AutoCAD 2015 but I keep getting this error message: "A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: C:\Windows\Installer\ContentService.msi.

I am installing from my desktop, NOT from a network. Also, I noticed the ContentService.msi file that it is looking for is not in the C:\Windows\Installer folder.

How do I install this product?

David Lau

Can you log a case? Blog comments are not a good venue for 'back & forth' tech support issues.

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