I used to support Maya back in the day and the orientation of the software is Y up. For some of our other software packages, the orientation is Z up. During my morning coffee run, the conversation came up with with one of our Maya Developers [Julia P.] and she told me why and it totally makes sense....
If you are an Artist, the image will be on an easel, therefore, Y is up.
If you are an Engineer/Architect, you are working on a drafting table so Z is up.
Here are some screen captures of our software packages and their X,Y,Z orientation.
Hi David,
Traditionally in architecture, most drawings are created looking at the building from the top - the plan is drawn in the X,Y plane and Z is 'up'.
In engineering, the principle view is the front of the part, the front view is drawn in the X,Y plane and the Z direction is 'out' of the paper.
This is particularly confusing if you use Inventor to create models of components that go inside buildings!
Great post,
Posted by: Paul Munford | 10/24/2014 at 11:19 PM
Thanks, I added Architect to my blog post and it totally makes sense.
Posted by: David Lau | 10/27/2014 at 07:14 PM