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Yannick Karawa

You were my colleague, my friend, my confidant.. I did not expect you leaving that soon..
I’ll be missing you my friend...

Rest In Peace

Alison G.

Gianco, it was such an honor to be able to work with you, a truly gentle, wonderfully talented and amazing spirit. You will be in my thoughts always, remembering the great times and laughter we shared.

Cristian Carello

This is shocking I never thought Gianco was a that point, I consider him a ver good man, professional and expert on this field, I will always remember you, so being him also Italian. La vita la si lotta ogni giorno finche i giorni finiscono e si smette di lottare per avere pace eterna, ma chi resta sempre ricorderà la tua lotta ed il guerriero fiero che era in te.

RIP Giancarlo Molo.

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